About Us

- Introduction
- CEO's Speech
- Our Vision
- Our Mission
- Our Values
The security of the community rests on the shoulders of its children, and from here the Al-Akhawain Security Guards Est. was incepted, represented by its security and training staff, and when security is considered an important element in our daily life, which limited all societies to have the security feature to provide security protection in line with developments and the modern era of developments in this field in all Its industrial, commercial and economic sectors
Yes, the beginnings are small, but thanks to God and His grace, and then the trust of our customers. Today, we are the Al-Akhawain Security Guards Est., the leader in the field of private security guards. Since its inception, it aspires, through the efforts of its members, its administrative staff, and its security staff, to provide security services to the institutions and companies contracted with in accordance with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which is keen on the good selection of its personnel, training and educating them with the necessary and continuous courses in a manner appropriate to the nature of work in all fields, and to be very keen to keep pace with the progress and prosperity in this field to be at the forefront in maintaining security and safety to protect society
We at Al-Akhawain Security Guards Est., aim to be among the best and largest national companies in the field of security and to develop its security management capabilities to keep pace with the economic developments of the Kingdom and to expand the security and service business
Finding and developing investment opportunities in the field of security services in protecting private property, approving security standards, creating a strategic partnership with the largest possible segment of customers, supporting their growth and success, and establishing their presence in the Kingdom.
Integrity: Practicing service and security work in accordance with the principles and controls of correct professional work
Excellence: We strive for excellence in providing our services to ensure success and obtain tangible results
Quality: The application of quality and safety standards in the field of our services is the secret of our existence in this field
Confidence: Our confidence in ourselves as an organization and the implementation of our security services to our clients in a professional and safe manner